

Deviation Actions

8charizardgirl8's avatar

Literature Text

For many years, there has been a natural balance in the land of Tarilun. We reign benevolently across the land and our great cities now occupy every part of our country, each one larger and more magnificent than the next. We now have peace. The civil wars of long ago are in the past. All the people of Tarilun are free and happy in this glorious age! – Excerpt from university lecture, in the year 573 (present day).

                                                   * * *

It was hundreds of seasons ago that the first humans came to the land of our ancestors. Tarlu was our home and much too large for us to keep to ourselves. So we welcomed the strangers despite their alien appearance, for who knew but that they might be spirits? We taught them the ways of the land and helped them build their towns. We encouraged them to call more of their people to their side, for who knows better than us the importance of kin? But they called too many, and those who came did not want our welcome, nor need it. They began to drive us from their towns, which grew until the humans were forced to ravage the land and pillage nature itself. Towns grew until they were cities, overrun by humans and spilling into our villages.
It was not long after this that the humans turned against us. They called us savages and barbarians, animals without thought or soul. Entire clans were killed and forced into slavery by the foreigners, put to work in fields and beds. Our warriors were strong and fought fiercely, but we could not overcome the might of the humans' numbers and weapons. We were forced into hiding, living in ever smaller clans and taking refuge in secluded wilderness. Our old trade routes were destroyed. The betrayers are now our rulers, secure in their honey coated lies and half-truths. Now we are closer than ever to the animals they call us, subject to the whims of our masters. – Part of oral history of kettu. Documented in secret by present day kettu.

                                                   * * *

I was but a small cub when I saw my first human. Or, to use their words, a mere girl-child. We all knew the stories of course, they were told to us repeatedly when we were very young. Humans are bad. Humans are dangerous, strange creatures that have lost touch with nature, that steal and kidnap and fight and can't be trusted, and above all, never, ever, let one see you!
I was playing hide and seek, and had wandered a little too far from home. I still remember how proud I was that no one had managed to find me, when I looked across the river. There, just a stone's throw away, were two strange creatures. I froze, and sank even deeper into the little bush that concealed me, not caring how the dirt was rubbing into my red-brown fur. I glanced at the one drinking from the stream, the one that had legs and short fur like a deer, but it was the other creature that caught my attention. It was so close! And so utterly alien to me. There was only one thing it could be: human.
It seemed to be cocooned in strange material, the likes of which I had never before seen. From head to paw, the human was covered, so much that I could only guess from the face that it was male. But what shocked me even more, was his physical features, or rather lack of them. He had no tail or ears! Sure, Mama had told me how humans were born with only tiny shells of skin for ears, and no tail to speak of, but it was an entirely other matter to see such a thing! I couldn't understand how such a creature could stand so easily without the aid of a tail, let alone rule the land! But at least I knew I would be safe. There was no way a human could have heard me without proper ears, and I was completely hidden from that side of the river. My own ears flicked as he murmured to his big-deer, and led it away. This was the creature that the grown-ups had warned me about? It didn't even have claws! Maybe everyone was wrong, and humans were harmless after all. Maybe I could make friends with it!
"Sune! Where are you? The game's over sweetie, time to come inside!" The calls of my mother echoed behind me, as I glanced once more back at the river. Little did I know that one day, I would meet all the humans I could ever wish for, and not a single one would be my friend.

                                                   * * *

"Rohan, get your fluffy butt back here! I'm not done with you!" I raced around a tree, skidding on leaves and twigs before I caught myself. My little brother was still visible as he wove between fallen trees and bushes. Suddenly he ducked out of sight as I rounded a log. Somewhere, right here, he was hiding. Pity his tail was bright red.
"I can see you," I sang. "You don't come out right now, you're getting extra chores for a week!" I loved cub-sitting sometimes. But I'll say this for Rohan; at least he knew when to give up. He crawled out from under his rock, his ears pressed against his head.
"Tail again?"
"Yup." I grabbed his arm and started pulling him back home. "You never learn do you? It's going to take ages to walk back, we're so far out. You're gonna be late for your archery test."
"It's not fair! I'm never going to be able to hunt properly if prey can see me coming!"
"Aw, it's not that bad. Just roll in mud or something."
"It's okay for you. You're not the one that glows."
I laughed and ruffled his fiery head. "C'mon little brother, it could be worse."
"Uh huh. And how could it be worse than this?" He shook my hand off with a grimace.
"You could be without your wonderful, supportive big sister! Who would cheer you up without me?"
"Because that's so much worse. How would I ever survive without you? I'd waste away! 'Cause obviously I don't have friends at all."
"Okay, detecting distinct sarcasm there."
"Oh really?"
"Seriously though, you're only eleven summers. I bet it'll darken when you get older."
"Only eleven? You're only sixteen!"
We were still laughing and joking around when we finally stepped back into the part of the forest that was our clan's home. Maybe that was why I didn't notice at first. No sounds of cubs playing, any thuds or yells of practice fights were absent, even the birds were still. It was the smell that first made me aware something was wrong. Smoke, sweat and fear, a new scent I could almost, almost identify. And the stench of blood. Lots of blood. I froze while my body tried to catch up with my brain. Everything seemed to move in slow motion... Everything but my brother, running past me to beat me home.
"Now who's gonna be late?"
"No! Rohan!" He dodged my desperate grab, and laughed back at me as he sprinted past. Right into the arms of a human.
My friends and I had always thought Snatchers were nothing more than rumours, or old stories told to make sure cubs went to bed on time. But there was no mistaking that's exactly what this human was. Giant muscles wrapped in furs and leather, rugged and scarred, blending in perfectly with the forest. He was clearly a predator. And we were his prey.
"What the-" He exclaimed, surprised by the sudden bundle of cub in his arms. But he recovered quickly. Too quickly. "Hey, we got some more over here!" Already I could hear more humans coming. Rohan stared at me, clearly terrified. I had to do something before it was too late! Growling, I leapt at the human. He yelped as I bit and scratched at the arm that dared to hold onto my brother. My claws and sharp teeth dug into his skin as he shook his arm frantically trying to shake me off.
"Blasted little -!" He pulled me off him in a grip that felt as if it would break bones, but I got what I wanted. He let go of my brother!
"Run Roh!" He looked at me, a second that lasted a lifetime, then ran. The darkness of the trees soon swallowed him up, despite his colouring. He knew where the safe place was. I would just have to trust he would be alright.
"Bloody vixen!" Suddenly I doubled over in pain as the human's massive fist buried itself in my stomach. He threw me violently against the base of a tree, where I fell in a pile, trying desperately to get my breath back.
"Bet ya think you're real clever." The enormous human loomed over me as he continued to snarl. "Now I'm gonna need shots." He kicked me in the ribs, the thick black hide on his feet raising the pain tenfold. I gasped in shock. No one had ever hit me before! Not like this anyway. I stared at the creature above me, this filthy thing that stank and tried to hurt my brother. Suddenly his expression changed as I watched his face. He leered down at me, a sleazy smirk stretched across his bristly face. His eyes raked down my body, lingering hungrily on the places I had covered with rabbit fur. He bent closer, dirty-caked fingernails reaching towards my chest, when he was distracted by shouts coming from the clearing. I shuddered a little as he straightened and turned with a scowl towards the sounds.
"I'm comen'!" He pulled me roughly to my feet, the stabbing pain in my ribs increasing sharply as he jerked me forwards. "Bloody animal." He dragged me forcefully after him as he stomped through the outskirts of our village, not caring how I limped and stumbled behind him. As I passed burning homes and destroyed gardens, I could feel my eyes beginning to burn, a combination of both physical and emotional pain. I blinked furiously, refusing to show weakness in front of this creature. Large patches of blood were splattered on the ground and trees, but I couldn't see any source of it. I slowed as we passed my home, my eyes fixated on the smeared dark handprint on the broken door.
"Get moving! Almost more trouble than you're worth, the lot of ya," he swore as he yanked violently on my arm, nearly tripping me as I tried frantically to keep up with his long strides. I had a strong suspicion that if I tripped and fell, he would just drag me on the ground. We broke out of the last of the trees and I could see what used to be our village centre was now invaded by at least thirty humans, all milling around cages on wheels. More humans than I had ever imagined seeing in my life, of both genders, though most of them did appear to be male. I could barely tear my eyes away from the intruders, but when I did, I gasped in shock. I was thankful my captor was too busy muttering curses under his breath to notice. Many of the people of my village were already inside the iron prisons, so closely packed they could barely move, tails wrapped around themselves and loved ones for protection and comfort. The littlest cubs were lifted on shoulders to avoid the crush, but I couldn't spot any of our elders.
"Keep an eye on this one. It's a fighter," he scowled as he threw me to another human. He was smaller and was much cleaner than the first human. Before I could even begin to think about escaping, my new captor was tying strong rope around my wrists, nearly dislocating my shoulders as he pulled my arms behind my back.
"This one? She's only a kid," the new human said as he tightened the knots with quick, deft movements. Even when he was satisfied, he kept his hold on one of my arms, though unlike the other human, his grip wasn't hard enough to leave bruises.
"Kid or not, look what she did to me arm! All for some scrawny shrimp! I tell ya Hirochi," he declared, waving his bleeding limb in the smaller man's face. "Ya can't trust these animals! Not for a second! All they know is fighten' and hunten'. And fu-"  All of a sudden, the terror and shock I was frozen by morphed into something else: hatred. How dare these people, these creatures, invade my home and hurt my kin, then spout lies and ridiculous stories!
"No we don't! That's stupid, why would-" I froze as the big human's hand slapped my face, hard enough to whip my head to one side. Tears of pain pricked at my eyes, but I had no way of wiping them away, or soothing my burning cheek.
"You talk only when you're told to, vixen! And don't you even think about speaking back like that again! Got that?" He waited for a moment, then grabbed my face and forced my eyes to his. "I said, got that?" He growled in a dangerous voice, glaring at me.
I wanted to tell him to get lost. I wanted to shout all the words I wasn't supposed to know when I was a cub, even though we all did anyway. But I remembered the kick; and his eyes when he threw me to the ground. I didn't want to think about what this thing might do to me if I made him really angry. After all, I am a kettu. We know all about self-preservation. "Y – yes..." It took all I had not to wince as I said that.
"Good." He finally released me as he smirked to the forgotten Hirochi. "See? That's how you have to deal with 'em. Show 'em who's boss, right from the off. Keep telling ya you're too soft on them Hiro." He thumped the shorter man's shoulder.
"I guess we just have different methods."
"Whatever. Pity 'bout that boy getting away. His pelt would've been worth a bunch back home." I stiffened and lifted my head sharply. But before I could say anything, the hand that was still holding me suddenly squeezed. I closed my mouth, looking at Hirochi out of the corner of my eye. Without looking at me, he very barely shook his head. He was... trying to help me?
"Well, I'd better put her in with the others." Hirochi started walking me towards the nearly full cages.
"Oi! Hiro!"
"What?" He stopped, and pulled me to a halt beside him.
"Just let the others know this one's mine." Hirochi spun to face the leering man.
"You're disgusting."
"Just cause you can't man up and have fun for once. Relax a little, bloody hell!"
"You have a daughter her age!"
"So?" He laughed, loudly and crudely. "It's an animal. Who cares what happens to a creature like that? It's got no real feelings, it doesn't think like we do."
"They still have emotions! Hopes, dreams!" The sneering human stared at Hirochi in disgust.
"Ugh. You're one o' them, aren't 'cha? A fur-fan." He spat out the last word as if it left a dirty taste in his mouth.
"No. I'm not. I wouldn't be here if I was." Hirochi moved to stalk off with me in tow, but something seemed to make him pause. "In any case, I don't think it's a good idea for you to... take this one. By the looks of her, she'll probably be chosen as a bedder. You know their value goes up if they're untouched." Finally, Hirochi walked away, pulling me gently behind him as the cursing began behind us.
I couldn't believe this! This morning my life was normal, routine, even boring! All I had to worry about was cub-sitting for Mama and practising my trapping skills. Maybe keep an eye out for Regg, that cute guy with the brown fur. But I knew, right then, that my life would never be the same again. That creature back there, he seemed to embody every nightmare, every dark tale of the human world that I'd been told all my life. This 'Hirochi' seems nice, I thought, glancing up at him, but he's still helping to capture me. At least he doesn't call me an 'it'. I didn't even want to think about what he meant by 'bedder', even though I think I knew, deep down.
"You ever been to a city before?" He spoke softly and kept his gaze firmly forward, but I knew he was talking to me. I guess this would count as being told to talk, right?
"I've never even seen a human before. Well," I amended, "not up close anyway."
"You're in for a bit of a shock then. All of you are." He passed me to the woman loading everyone into the cages. I was the last, so I had to cringe back quickly to avoid the slamming gate. The crush of bodies pushed me right up against the bars, so tightly I could barely breathe.
"Oh, and kid?" I looked down at the human below me.
"I'm sorry about this. Really, I am." Hirochi grimaced and turned, but I cried out before he could leave.
"Wait! I – I don't understand! What's happening to us?" The human paused for a moment, but only shook his head and kept walking.
"Can't you guess?" The gruff voice nearly made me cry out in relief. It was Erol, a close friend of Mama's. I couldn't turn to face him, so I had to settle for his familiar voice. "You know how it goes. We'll be auctioned off, sold as some pet or slave, locked away in one of their monstrous cities."
"Together, right?" No matter how much I tried, I couldn't keep my words from trembling. "They'll let us stay together, won't they?" The cages jerked a little, but slowly started moving forwards. I stumbled, but caught myself before I could fall against anyone and start a chain reaction.
Erol sighed. "No Sune. They won't." I shook a little as he said that. How can they do this? Storm in here and destroy everything I've ever known? Even take me away from the people I've known as my kin all my life! I've never been alone before. I've always been surrounded by friends, family, neighbours: my kin. Our clan was small, only a few hundred in all of the forest. We are all each other's family.
"Wh – where's Mama?"
"I... don't know. I know she tried to defend your home though. She was being dragged away by human men the last time I saw her." My blood froze at his reluctant words. Oh gods... that handprint on the door! Could it have been...?
"Why didn't you help her?" I almost screamed. "You're her friend!"
"You think I didn't try? I had my hands full! By the time I realised what was happening with Shima they'd already got me. There was nothing I could do!" He paused. "Where's Roh?"
"He – he got away."
"He's not the only one. He'll be alright, he knows where to go."
"Yeah. Yeah, I know." Suddenly the soft sobs and murmured conversations from the cages in front of ours became wails and screams. The human guards walking beside them shouted and banged on the bars, but they didn't quiet. And in a moment, I saw why. The reason why I saw none of our elders earlier was because they weren't being taken like the rest of us. They were being exterminated. And the humans had timed it so all of us would see. One by one they were dragged to a tree stump. And one by one they were beheaded and thrown to the side in a growing pile, like worthless garbage. Hild, the old lady who lived outside the main village, suddenly collapsed in a heap, convulsing and clutching at her chest. Her throat was slit, and she was tossed too. Barely visible underneath the elders were the strong bodies of our fiercest warriors, people I had known and admired my whole life. Even some of the trainees! And poor little Brunu, the cub who was strange in the head, he was waiting there too, wringing his hands and softly wailing to himself. Our cage passed, and I watched, unable to look away. I did not only mourn their deaths, but mine as well. The death of my innocence, the death of my childhood.

My tears finally came.
I eventually want to write the rest of this story, but at the moment it's a complete short story. But feedback would be great, especially in the area of how the next chapter could start. I've got a few ideas for that, but I'm not sure which one to go with >_<

The idea for this came from talks with the always amazing ~Mysia-Ri ... This is dedicated to you honey!! :huggle: Thanks for all the great talks this year and being there when I needed it XD

People who can figure out the origin of Sune's name get Christmas fudge!! Cause everyone else is giving away cake and cookie's alright?! Stop judging me!! *hides*
© 2010 - 2024 8charizardgirl8
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LightningMangekyou's avatar
Awesome you should write more stuff